Andrea Radford
New Business Case Manager
Meet Andrea Radford, New Business Case Manager
Most members of the FRA Financial Group Home Office Team bring a variety of work and life experience with them to the office, but none are as diverse as that of Andrea Radford. Prior to joining FRA nearly four years ago as a New Business Case Manager, Andrea built trucks for Chrysler; she worked at a nightclub that she describes as “a very interesting job;” she was a bank employee for a number of years; and her first paying job was as a cashier in a deli.
Today, she is responsible for processing new business applications, case status and follow up, training agents and their assistants, and customer service. When asked, Andrea says hands down her favorite part of the job is helping to make a difference in the lives of our agents and clients.
Although she was born in St. Louis, MO, Andrea has lived her entire life in Cahokia, IL, where she still lives with her husband, Jeff, and their dog, Toby. They are the parents of four children, Lauren (29), Ashley (28), Scott (27), and Jeff Jr. (26). She says they are looking forward to the arrival of grandchildren hopefully someday soon.
“My proudest achievement is raising four amazing, bright children and helping them to become productive adults in our society,” Andrea says.
This St. Louis Cardinals fan says that she likes to relax with family and friends on her days off and wants to travel when she retires. In fact, she says if she were to win the Lottery, the first thing she’d buy with her winnings would be an airline ticket.
Andrea says husband Jeff is the person who inspires her to be a better person. Together they donate their time and money to help many different charities and needy families.
Just for fun -- If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
“I’d want to be able to fly.”